Recommended Test Prep Timeline


  • The earlier is better.

  • However, most students will not reach their full potential until end of junior year.

  • Although it may help to start prep at the end of your sophomore year, you will still need to work for your highest score during your junior year.

  • Do not be discouraged if your first couple times don’t go as well as you want, it will help you prepare by learning.

  • Everyone is different, this guide is just a general timeline.

August, Junior Year:

  • There is no rush to start if you are a rising junior, but it does not hurt.

  • Start taking mock tests to establish a baseline and identify the sections that need the most improvement.

  • Determine whether you will take the ACT, SAT, or both if you do not already know.

Junior Year:

  • Start looking at different schools and their middle 50% ACT/SAT scores to identify a target score.

  • Determine whether the schools you are looking at superscore, require all scores, and any other stipulations when it comes to testing.

  • E.g. If your school only looks at your English and Math scores, you need to focus on those sections.

  • Identify sections you need to work on.

  • Sign up for ACT/SAT the first semester of your junior year.

  • Attend Group ACT/SAT sessions at PCA.

  • Take the ACT/SAT and wait to receive your scores.

  • After receiving your scores, look at the areas that you improved upon and see if there are any areas that you still want to work on.

  • If you still need to improve, sign up for an ACT/SAT in the second semester of your junior year and attend sessions once again.

  • If these scores are still not up to what you would like, attend Boot Camp right before June ACT/SAT.

Senior Year:

  • Start right away!!

    • Whether that be June, July, August or earlier , But no later than August.

  • Sign up for earliest ACT/SAT possible.

  • If you have not taken the test previously, take mock exam immediately.

  • Then identify the sections that need the most improvement.

  • Attend PCA for at least a month before the exam.

  • Take the ACT/SAT and wait to receive your scores.

  • If you still need to improve, sign up for the next ACT/SAT and attend sessions once again.